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Why Choose a Celebrant

Claire Haynes • March 13, 2021

Welcome to my First Blog. I was a bit scared to be honest, is anyone actually going to read this? But I need to get with the times. So here we go….

Why should I have a Celebrant Wedding?

Quick Answer: Because You want the Best Day.

Hello! What better topic for my first ever Blog?!!!

Lots of people ask me this question and I Love giving my answer because I Love my Job.

Celebrant Weddings, and Celebrant Ceremonies in general, are becoming more and more popular.  Couples can choose to have their Ceremony when and wherever they choose. Indoors, Outside, at Alton Towers, Thorpe Park, in the Garden, on the London Eye, up in a Hot Air Balloon or in their favourite unlicensed Luxury Hotel. 

I think the Ceremony should be as important, if not more Important than the Wedding Reception.  I find couples who have a Church or Registry Office Ceremonies generally have the view of, ‘Get the Ceremony over with and start the Celebrations.’

Their main focus for their day is getting to the Wedding Reception. Which is sad. Surely it should be about saying and meaning their Vows in a way that’s true and meaningful to the? 

Sadly, if couples are given a choice of 2 or 3 sets of wording from a well-thumbed old folder, that everyone and their mother have used since the 1800s, then I can see why people might want to fast forward to the Reception.

Que Celebrant!

A Wedding Ceremony with me is all about the couple and their personalities. The Whole Vibe will reflect them. It wont be some stiff out of date non meaningful ceremony. And I will build a relationship with the couple. Not just meet them on the day! The venue choice becomes endless as no licence is required. 

Who'd have thought you could get have your Wedding Ceremony on a Beach in the UK?  Couples might have the ceremony and then arrange a barbecue on the beach and music, or they might want to go to a Hotel, Favourite Pub or Country House after the Ceremony.  Lots of couples are choosing places they never would have imagined possible.

Enchanted Woodlands, The Beautiful Savernake Forest being my closest in Wiltshire.

Beach Weddings, having bases in Wiltshire and Cornwall I am lucky to be able to offer the Best Beach Location Weddings too.

How about a Farm Wedding and maybe a bit of Barn Dancing?

Festive Vibe? Festival Weddings really excite me at the moment. Probably because they’re less common. Imagine Tipis, Music, Dancers, Face Paints, Flame Throwers, Street Food….

I think me and Simon need to Renew of Vows! I’d have to go with Festival Vibe on the Beach!  Anyway…

Including Family, Friends and Pets in the Ceremony is a massive added bonus too. Keeping everyone on their toes and included ensures no one is nodding off at the back!

Yes, the Ceremony can be traditional and even include Religion. All optional of course. That’s the beauty of being an Independent Celebrant. I can add Religion which is the perfect mix for Multi Faith Couples or couples who want to include it but want a more Bespoke Ceremony.  

Lots of people think that all Celebrants are Humanists, which is not the case. Humanism is a whole belief system itself and a Humanist Celebrant cannot include Religion of any kind. If you are a Humanist and want a Ceremony in keeping with Humanist belief systems, I would recommend searching for a Humanist Celebrant.

Because the Celebrant Led Ceremony isn’t Legal in England at the moment. (It’s currently going through Parliament. But Brexit and a Global Pandemic have kind of taken priority.) You do need to do the legal bit in the Register Office. This is where my Dad says, ‘Well you’re married then. What’s the point in doing it again?’ The point is Dad, that you do the legal bit quick and cheaper than a regular registrar service with only the two required witnesses in your jeans and T-Shirt with no ring exchange. Then you are free to have the Wedding of your dreams either a few days/weeks after, the same day or some couples even do it after.

Look at it like this, when a Baby is Born you register the Birth some days/weeks later and then have the Naming Ceremony or Christening at a later date.

When someone dies you register their death and then hold the Funeral or Celebration of Life weeks later.

My couples become my friends. I get to know them, what makes them laugh and what irritates them about each other. I am then able to create a Tailor-Made Ceremony totally Bespoke and Individual to every couple.

If you're currently planning your Wedding, whoever you choose to conduct your Ceremony I wish you all the very best in your new lives together. 

 If you think I might be the Celebrant for you get in touch and let's make your day Amazing.

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